Spilling Blood: A Novel in Serial Form by G. S. Wright


Please help me welcome author G. S. Wright back to my Writer’s Block!  Several months ago, I was fortunate to discover his first novel, BROKEN THINGS.  My original interview with Mr. Wright can be found here:  http://wp.me/p35Mk4-65

Since then he has gone on to expand his personal offerings.  His second novel, HUNGRY GODS, BOOK ONE,  is the first in a series, and I encourage you to check it out.  But today, since Halloween and all things creepy are right around the corner, I am hosting an interview with Mr. Wright regarding his serial novel, SPILLING BLOOD.  Enjoy!

Spilling Blood


S. M. Nystoriak:  First off, thanks for joining me again on my Writer’s Block!  It’s really nice ot be able to do a follow up with you.  Since I first interviewed you last spring, you have more than doubled your literary output!  Tell us:  What inspires your writing?  Is there anything specific that has happened to spur on this inspiration?

G. S. Wright:  My inspiration comes from everywhere. I might get an idea from a book, movie, or television show – I ask myself how other writers successfully pulled me into their worlds, or tugged on my emotions. Sometimes it’s from my muse. The main thing is writing every day. It keeps the creativity fresh and the writing productive.

S. M. Nystoriak:  Can you explain what your writing routine is?  Do you work at it for a certain amount of time per day?  Do you designate specific hours dedicated to writing?  Is there a specific area in your home where you write?

G. S. Wright:  I try to write every weekday, and slack on the weekends. I set aside time to write from 6 in the morning to six at night, though this is not all writing time. I can start and stop any time during that window, and keep the evenings free for family and relaxing. A good day of writing is between 3k to 5k words, though I push for 10k.

I write throughout the house. I have an office in the backroom that I’m currently ignoring. Right now I’m writing on the couch, this afternoon I’ll be hiding in the bedroom. It changes to my whims.

Broken Things (1)               Death Storm

S. M. Nystoriak:  Your first novel, BROKEN THINGS, and your second, DEATH STORM:  HUNGRY GODS, BOOK ONE (See Review http://www.amazon.com/review/R2FGZSBQ7GBW59/ref=cm_cr_pr_viewpnt#R2FGZSBQ7GBW59 ), have lots in common; the dark feel, for instance, and the style of the narrative.  Yet both are also very different.  BROKEN THINGS is very futuristic in plot, and HUNGRY GODS is almost like a legend or fairy tale from the brothers Grimm.  As a writer, what is it that propels you into these varied areas?

G. S. Wright:  I vary my writing so much because I read just about everything, and get ideas for a wide variety of genres. I read a lot of sci-fi, fantasy, horror, paranormal, thrillers, etc. and develop a writer’s morgue of ideas I hope to one day see realized. I can’t peg myself down to one genre. My mind won’t let me.

I do try to keep the feel the same through the books, with strong emotions and laced heavily throughout with suspense.

S. M. Nystoriak:  I have read the first installment of your serialized novel, SPILLING BLOOD.  It reminds me, in a very excellent way, of the television series from 1979, Cliffhangers.  Here is a link to the Wiki about it:  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cliffhangers_(TV_series)  I was only about 8 or 9 at the time, but the series was true to its namesake:  every week there was a very intense cliffhanger!  Have you seen it?  Each episode featured three different mini cliffhanger stories, and one was even about a vampire.

G. S. Wright:  Just before I started writing SPILLING BLOOD, I found a reference to Cliffhangers. I have never seen it.

S. M. Nystoriak:  How does writing in this format affect your planning as a writer?

G. S. Wright:  It gives me a self-imposed deadline that my novels don’t have. Though I work from an outline and had some of the story prewritten before I even announced it, I did not do what some other serial writers do and finish the entire series beforehand. That means I have to have the story written and revised, then on to be edited and proofread by my small but highly efficient team. I also have to leave some writing time to get my novels completed.

S. M. Nystoriak:  Do you plan to offer more serialized books in the future?

G. S. Wright:  I’d love to. I’m still waiting to see what my readers think of it, though the initial feedback has been very encouraging. If there’s a market for serialized fiction, I actually prefer it, as it allows me to get my writing out much more quickly than I can with a novel. I have outlines for three other serials if there’s interest.

S. M. Nystoriak:  What’s next for you?

G. S. Wright:  More of everything!!! In the near future, I’ve a couple of novels about ready. I am nearing completion of book 2 of my dark fantasy zombie apocalypse series, HUNGRY GODS, a paranormal thriller/romance (because – why not? 😀 ). If the serials have a readership, I’ll keep them going weekly.

S. M. Nystoriak:  Sounds fantastic, Garth, and we love to hear these updates.  Please leave a comment for either Garth or myself below.

To connect with Garth specifically, try these links!  He loves to connect with his readers.

Website: http://gswright.com

Amazon Author Page: http://www.amazon.com/G-S-Wright/e/B00BACWEQA/

Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/6917588.G_S_Wright

2 comments on “Spilling Blood: A Novel in Serial Form by G. S. Wright

  1. Elizabeth Baker says:

    Your interviews are so well done. I enjoy hearing about other writers. Thanks for sharing with us. Betsy

    I have reason to believe we all will be received in Graceland… Paul Simon


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